It's Personal

One-On-One training

Individualized Programs

For many people who are looking to exercise and get in shape, hiring a personal trainer can be very helpful. Whether you are new to exercising, not seeing results, have a specific injury or illness, or training for an event, there are many reasons you may consider hiring a personal trainer. Our fitness experts can guide you through a complete exercise regimen and design individualized programs to hit your specific fitness goals.

How Much Does a Personal Trainer Cost?

trainer Marylou assisting a client on exercise equipment

One of the things to consider when hiring a personal trainer is the cost. The cost of a personal trainer varies greatly based on location, how often you meet, how long you commit, and a personal trainer’s expertise. When looking to hire a personal trainer in Belmont, or the greater Northern California area, the average fee for a one-hour session ranges between $100-200. This investment in your health can prevent future problems and save money down the road with improved fitness and proper nutrition, making this cost quite affordable for anyone who is serious about getting in shape. 

Who is Personal Training For?

There are a number of people who can benefit from personal training; whether you are looking for a personalized program to support weight loss goals, grow muscle, or feel that you may benefit from the additional accountability, a personal trainer can be a great resource for whatever your goals may be. Personal training offers individualized guidance and support through your journey to get in shape and stay healthy.

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The Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

There are countless benefits to working with a personal trainer. No two bodies or workouts are the same. Individualized training plans based on your goals, help you achieve those personal goals, with expert help. The knowledge a trainer brings, paired with the support and accountability to exercise on a regular basis, and dieting guidance, will help you get the best results from your workouts.

Structured Exercise Schedule

One of the main benefits of utilizing a personal trainer is a structured exercise schedule. In addition to fitness support, hiring a personal trainer creates motivation, accountability, and commitment to help you stay motivated with regular scheduled sessions and workouts. Sometimes the hardest part can be staying consistent, but frequent sessions with a trainer to cheer you on will help push your limits and keep you on track to make progress.


Another benefit of using a personal trainer is added discipline. Those who exercise alone will often fail to maintain a steady workout routine and don’t see desired results because they are not pushing themselves as hard as they could. A trainer becomes the accountability you need! Helping push you to stay on course to complete your exercise program, set progressive goals, and get you the results you want.

Professional Guidance

Since personal trainers are experts in fitness, they can provide you with a wealth of advice and information on how to accomplish your fitness goals. Trainers can offer fresh perspective, and set up a complete exercise program including all of the necessary elements, which can seem overwhelming to most people without help. Whether you are learning how to lift, or adding a new routine, a trainer can also show you how to properly perform exercises, monitor exercise intensity, and help avoid unnecessary injury.

Nutrition Support

A key player in healthy fitness is right type of nutrition support for your body and goals . In order to get the best results from a workout, you will need a personalized nutrition plan designed to provide you with proper nutrients to build muscle and establish more endurance. A personal trainer will give you the information you need to adopt a healthy and sustainable nutrition plan, and help implement long term healthy habits.

Feedback on Progress

Personal trainers will also provide you with feedback on your results and progress. A trainer offers an objective and experienced perspective and can continually monitor and adjust your program by assessing your progress to continue to improve your results.

How Often Should You See a Personal Trainer?

When it comes to seeing a personal trainer, the frequency will depend on each person’s needs and preferences. As either a beginner, or someone who is serious about improving their physical condition, you will benefit from seeing a personal trainer at least three days a week. If you are a regular at the gym with a more disciplined exercise routine, you may only need one to two training sessions a week. No matter how often you choose to see a personal trainer, an assessment will help you decide how to achieve your fitness goals most efficiently.