Prenatal Exercise Training

Hiring a personal trainer for prenatal exercise training is the best way to monitor your health, and make sure you are performing movements and exercises to keep you and baby safe during pregnancy. Our team will be able to design a workout that will improve your strength, stamina, and mobility to sustain a successful pregnancy, but also exercises that will help you relieve symptoms of discomfort along the way. 

Prenatal exercises involve a range of movements and activities that will support a woman through her pregnancy and prepare her body for labor and delivery.  Each trimester will consist of specific functional exercises that focus on strength, core, flexibility, aerobic and labor training.




What are the benefits of prenatal training?

1. Benefits to the Mother
Pregnancy places a great deal of stress on your body. Prenatal training can help you prepare physically for labor and childbirth. Some large benefits of prenatal exercise include a reduction of back pain, muscle cramps, constipation, and bloating, as well as swelling in your feet and ankles. Different cardiovascular activity will also assist in building stamina to help you through the physical labor. 

Prenatal exercise also helps to manage weight gain during term, to allow for an easier recovery once the baby is born. Excessive weight gain has shown increases in complications to both mother and baby during pregnancy, so monitoring weight with the assistance of a trainer could decrease health risks to yourself and your baby, and increase the likelihood of a successful, healthy delivery! 

2. Benefits to the Baby
There are many benefits of prenatal exercise for your baby! Prenatal training creates a healthy supply of oxygenated blood to the placenta, vital for healthy development. Regular exercise also helps mothers maintain hormonal balance in the body and decrease anxiety or stress related chemicals that can be exposed to your growing baby. Fewer episodes of stress can reduce rates of congenital disabilities, low birth weight, prematurity, and other problems. 

Putting time into training increases the strength of your uterine muscles, helping you push harder when it's time to give birth, and reducing the risk associated with difficult births or cesarean sections. This engagement in physical activity also demonstrates a lower heart at rest, a sign of an efficient and healthy heart, which is passed to your baby as well!

3. Postpartum Benefits
Prenatal training not only prepares you for birth, but also for handling the physical new demands of motherhood! Strengthening muscles, ligaments and tendons will help you avoid pregnancy complications, but also prepare you for new routine activities like picking up, walking with, and carrying your baby without pain. 

During training, strengthening your pelvic floor will serve as support to your organs and reduce painful delivery and common issues with urinary incontinence. Participating in exercise produces a boost of energy and endorphins which are released during a workout and have shown to help prevent another common issue mothers experience - "baby blues" or postpartum depression. 

When to Stop Prenatal Exercise 

The only time you should consider ending your prenatal exercise training is when you notice any of these symptoms:

1. Vaginal bleeding, more than a few drops

2. Contractions that occur at regular intervals of more than 10 minutes apart and last for more than a minute each.

3. Significant decrease in fetal movement

4. High fever or sudden rise in body temperature 

In general, it's advisable to talk with your practitioner before starting any prenatal exercises, especially if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or if your baby is less active. A practitioner, along with supervision of a fitness professional, can advise you on what's safe for both yourself and your baby according to your pregnancy stage. 

Exercises and Activities to Avoid When Pregnant 

1. Avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your back, as it decreases blood flow from the lower body to the heart and reduces blood supply to the uterus.

2.  Skip high-intensity exercises such as bicycling, climbing, horseback riding, which put you at an increased risk of injury or falling. 

3. Breathe regularly and avoid holding your breath when exercising, as this also reduces oxygen to the baby. 

4. Avoid strenuous exercises, i.e., any exercise that quickly brings on shortness of breath, pain in the chest, or high intensity exercise.

Practicing a healthy and active lifestyle throughout your pregnancy is good for both you and your baby’s, body, and mind! Prenatal exercises are recommended to everyone who is not high risk, to provide numerous benefits and stimulate fetal development throughout your pregnancy journey; as well as preparing you and your body for motherhood! It is important to remember that prenatal exercises should be carried out under the supervision of a skilled fitness professional or physician, with expert knowledge of the effects of your changing body, and the health of your baby!